Day 28 – Meditation | Rest & Rise

Day 26 – 20 minute meditation focusing on resting the body and mind while cultivating a sense of mindfulness leaving you ready to rise into your best self. For the complete Rest & Rise 30 days of yoga collection click this playlist here Try the first 3 days of Courtney’s new 90 day program Awaken for free A daily practice makes you feel so good. If you want to feel better in your body this is the channel for you. Because when you practice yoga you feel better! This channel is dedicated to spreading positive energy to all beings everywhere. Don't worry if you're not flexible or can't do the poses perfectly. The motto of Fightmaster Yoga is "It's not about the pose". You don't have to be perfect. All you have to do is show up. When you make the decision to take care of yourself, all sorts of amazing things begin to happen. You have more energy. You become more patient. Your outlook on life becomes more positive. And all of these changes you will experience in this yoga journey will begin to affect those around you in ways you never dreamed possible. This practice can bring a loving, positive energy that will spread throughout your world. And as you deepen your yoga practice you will have the opportunity to meet many like minded souls like yourself who are also laying down their mat and doing the work. Consider subscribing to this channel and become a part of making this world shine with more light! Fabulous yogi's subscribe! Awesome yogi's donate:
Instagram – #rest&rise #30daysofyoga #fightmasteryoga Source

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Blog Author
Sarah Jayne Archer.

Content Curator/ Blogger /  Fitness Writer

Namaste  This is my main Page for my Yoga and Personal Lifestyle Blog. Here you will find some of my best curated posts from around the web. This blog is dedicated to helping women enjoy happier, healthier lives primarily through the unique yoga-fitness programs that are available for purchase on this website. 

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