A small thing you do each day, makes the positive changes stay.
New yoga class recorded and released – every day. For Patreon Angle and Exclusive Material, join me on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/marlingyoga Instagram https://www.instagram.com/marlingyoga/
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Website: https://www.marlingyoga.com 00:00 Today's check-in
03:21 Start of Yoga
04:12 Breathwork
05:29 Hip roll
06:48 Cat and cow
09:33 Shoulder stretch
09:57 Cobra pose
10:47 Child's pose
11:52 Butterfly
12:43 Medition
14:49 Thank you from MarlingYoga #EasyYoga #EveryDayYoga #BeginnersYoga #15minYoga #AtHomeYoga #Breathwork #YogaInPantyhose #YogaInRegularClothes Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YwLOPy8Qlo
Yoga class! 30 Jan 25 15 min daily

January 30, 2025
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