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Discover the Relaxing Yoga For Women with Adriene, a program aimed specifically at providing comfort and relief during your cycle. This gentle sequence incorporates easy-to-find household items like blankets and pillows to create a supportive environment for relaxation and healing.
Table of Contents
- Welcome and Introduction
- Supported Extended Child's Pose
- Hero Pose Variations
- Mindful Breathing in Hero Pose
- Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sarsasana)
- Supported Paschimottanasana
- Supta Baddha Konasana Setup
- Gentle Movements in Supta Baddha Konasana
- Gentle Twists for Release
- Shavasana: Final Relaxation
Welcome and Introduction
This sweet yoga program made just for women welcomes you! This cycle-oriented yoga class is a good compensation to feel stressed and tired. Let's be in a healing mode and help our bodies and minds to find the right balance.
Preparing for Practice
To kick things off, the first step is to collect some indispensable things. Just a towel or blanket, and a couple of pillows are all you need to start with. These props will be the determining factors in creating a happy atmosphere. Choose a secluded corner where you can flex your practice undisturbed, thus, letting your body relax absolutely.
Finding a Comfortable Seat
The very first thing to do is to fold your blanket or towel in a rolled-up way that will form a nice seat for you. Back to this sitting position, let's try it out again, keeping your legs crossed in front of you, and let them relax here. The opening of the hips in this position helps you to feel stable. Don't forget to pay attention to your body alignment; keep your spine straight and discover the harmony between being at ease and being alert.
Gentle Neck and Shoulder Movements
Start from the neck and shoulders, which are the key areas to loosen. Toss your shoulders easily from forward to up and back. This motion is a way to free yourself from stress and facilitate the circulation of blood. If you find it pleasurable, you can shut your eyes and do some deep breaths, allowing your body to loosen with every exhale.
Subsequent to this, let your chin hang over the chest and feel the soft stretch in the back of your neck. Then, carefully, lift your chin headway the ceiling, taking caution not to overextend your neck. Do this movement a few times slowly inhaling and exhaling as you go.

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Setting an Intention
Let's pause for a short time and say a positive intention for your practice. This can be one phrase or a meaningful thought that you want to follow during your practice. For example, it could be "I move through this with cardinal ease" or "I am open to the now." Inhale deeply, and as you breathe out, think the intention in your mind, supporting it as a fact.
Cat-Cow Pose
Flowing gently into a Cat-Cow movement, go to all fours position. This posture is a great way of relieving the tension in the spine while learning to breathe. Inhale as you simultaneously turns your shoulders back and let your heart come out. Sense the pull across the front of your body.
Inhale and as you exhale, tilt your tailbone in and pull your navel towards your spine. These two postures are abundant in fluidity and thus enable your body to be expressionistic about the movement of the two. You may close your eyes if that makes it easier for you to engage in a self-conversation.
Continue this movement in your own rhythm, pausing every now and then to fully experience each position. Observe your body's response and modify your movements accordingly to your preference. This session is all about connecting with your inner self and discovering the ways that work perfectly for you.
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Supported Extended Child's Pose
Commence this exercise by resuming a tabletop position. Bend your toes and proceed to walk your fingertips back to your thighs, forming an opening in your feet. Grab your pillows and put them aside to your front. Move your knees to the outer edges of your mat, thus granting your body the feeling of support.
To achieve a more cozy feel, body pillows can be used by simply putting them next to your hips. If this is comfortable, just feel free to be in this position. If you wish for more release, then walk your fingertips forward to a supported extended child's pose. Your sit bones can sink back while you rest your forehead on the pillow.
Inhale deeply for a while, just to feel the gentle stretch of your hips and back. If you require extra support, you can modify your pillows by stacking them as required. You can also add to your relaxation effect by giving yourself a gentle side-to-side movement. Make sure you realize that this practice is for you solely, thus take the comfort.
Hero Pose Variations
Move on from the pose of the child to that of the hero or any of its modifications. This is done by first bringing your knees together and then standing up straight. If you follow your body's signals, you can place your toes curled under or put a block between your ankles. If this is the first time you are doing this pose, you should not hurry but instead find a comfortable position.
If you prefer, you can also sit on your heels, bringing your knees together. Be careful to sit straight, and let your hands be on your thighs without any force. Draw a deep breath and pull your head to the top, then breathe out and press your elbows down. Feel the space in your chest as you breathe.
While you are breathing in and out, keep a close watch on your body and its response to this position. You have also other variations to try like: slight leaning to the back, coming onto your forearms, or lifting your arms overhead. Each variation has a unique feeling that may be honestly different from the one you choose so do it for your own good.
Mindful Breathing in Hero Pose
Inhale and exhale deeply keeping your body in your chosen hero pose variation and focusing on your breath. Breathe in slowly through your nose, filling your lower belly, and exhale your breath very slowly. Your breath is your guide to your movement, and by breathing you are softening the areas of tension. Convince yourself to close your eyes which will deepen the mind-body connection.
Each time you breathe out, imagine the strain of your body dispersing from you with the exhale. This simple technique of mindful breathing is an antidote to the stress of the mind, which also serves as the strength for your body, and is therefore a vital component of your yoga practice. Spend a couple of minutes here to form a genuine connection with your breath.
Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sarsasana)
Now, let us move to head to knee pose. Start sitting on your mat and stretch your legs wide apart. Pull your left heel toward your center line and sit up straight. If necessary, you can place a blanket underneath your hips to make it more comfortable. Take your pillows and place them at the front of your hip crease for additional support.
As you inhale, bring your heart and rib cage up. When you exhale, slowly fold forward, the pillows supporting your forehead. The position is a good stretch with your belly almost hanging. During the time you let go of the pose, do not forget to breathe deeply into your backside.
Concentrate on connecting your right heel to the earth while giving up your left leg. Make your fingers soft and your jaw free. Take a deep breath, fill your lungs, and exhale, letting go of your body tension. Good feeling is the main concern, so move your position as you need to.
Supported Paschimottanasana
In supported paschimottanasana, practically the very first step is to stretch your legs straight at the front. A towel or blanket can be utilized to lift your hips higher if you roll them up. This small adjustment can boost your comfort level in the pose a lot. Set your cushions before you so that it can help you to fold forward.
Let us inch our way forward by encouraging our body to get into the best position possible when we fold forward. In this pose, you can place your forehead on the pillows or turn to one side to deepen your stretch. Breathing deeply is critical for you to remember in order to soften the tension in your feet and release any stress in your body. Every time you release the air is a chance for you to take away the shovel.
Take some time to be with the sensations in your back body. This relaxing posture is a kind invitation to let go of the emotional burdens like stress and frustration that you are carrying. Let the pillows' support rock you and thus promote your relaxation.
Supta Baddha Konasana Setup
At last, it's time for us to get into supta baddha konasana. In case you have a block or bolster, place it behind you for the extra support. Otherwise, you can use towels or pillows that you roll up. Position yourself with the bottoms of your feet together and let your knees open wide. This pose facilitates the opening of the hips and propels relaxation.
Leaning back will need you to place your head and neck on the pillows or a rolled towel. Now that you are going to be off the floor, your legs will need some adjustment, so place pillows under your outer thighs for better comfort. A deep breath will give you a sense of relaxing stress in your groin and lower belly.
Pay attention to your breathing, you are required to take a deep breath into your stomach and then take slow breaths out. This pose is not only the restoration of your health but nurturing as well, therefore, it is the best for times of emotional distress and pain. Let your body be supported by the surface area below you, enjoy the quiet.
Gentle Movements in Supta Baddha Konasana
Supta Baddha Konasana is a posture that can be further enhanced through the integration of the simple movements in it. Start the exercise with your hands on the hip creases. This will give you a sense of connection to the earth, plus you experience a supportive and centered feeling.
Contemplate the idea of creating a mudra by simply touching the tip of your index finger with your thumb. This sign makes you feel more serene, peaceful, and connected. Check if your jaw is relaxed and the conditions of your face are to be soft. Abandon all muscular tension, particularly the one between your eyebrows.
When you become aware of the pose, first, you need to spend time breathing deeply. Let your inhalation come from the bottom of your belly and every time you exhale, let go of all the tension that is resisted. This will help you to be more present and connected.
Gentle Twists for Release
Having settled down in the comfortable position of Supta Baddha Konasana, you can explore easy twists now. Begin with pulling your knees toward your chest, and feel the solid surface under your back.
Palms down, softly press to the mat, feel your lower back is anchored. Start shaking your knees to the sides to allow your lower back to get relaxed. This kind of natural movement can be a remedy for the pain that you have.
Let's proceed to a mild twist. Inhale and extend your fingers up to the sky, and while exhaling, let your knees lower to one side and place them on the pillow which will provide support. This posture encourages a soft stretch of the spine while you are keeping your body completely relaxed.
Change the side, locate the position that feels good for you. Notice the deep breathe that brings you to the present moment and tells you to let your body dissolve into the twist. This yoga posture is not only helping with the stress release but also creating a space in your mind for relaxation.
Shavasana: Final Relaxation
You & I are not the only ones who have prepared for Shavasana. However, it is time to set up our space and enjoy the total relaxation together. Just stretch your legs out and comfortably lie down. If you need more comfort, a rolled blanket can be used under your knees.
You might try to place a heavier pillow on your thighs, which will create a feeling of grounding. Open your legs at least to the length of your mat, so that your body can completely relax. Firstly, it is important to soften your toes and ankles, which are the main areas of pressure, and your shoulders, in this case, which are stressed.
Stretch your hands open, inhale a full breath through your nose, and exhale out through your mouth. Do it two more times, this time you have to concentrate on letting go of any remaining stress. Sense your body dropping into the base that is under you.
Be still and quiet for a while in your life. You can decide to stop and just exist, permitting your body to take in all the advantages that your routine gives you. Don't forget; this is your moment for taking care of yourself and being free from stress.
What is Yoga For Women?
Yoga For Women is a special, calming exercise that is designed to help women during their periods. It emphasizes postures that are relaxing, and soothing, and help alleviate typical pains.
How often should I practice this sequence?
To gain the full benefit of this, you should practice it immediately when you experience the feeling of want to relax or escape from a problem.
Can beginners do this sequence?
I agree completely! This routine is perfect for every level of practice, including the starters. The props and slow action with this routine creates a way for the yogis to use and support their bodies.
What props do I need?
To make your practice more comfortable, you only need a few props: a blanket or towel, a couple of pillows, and maybe a yoga block. These items are very helpful in creating a cozy space for your practice.
How do I know if I'm doing the poses correctly?
Listen to your body. If a pose feels uncomfortable or painful, adjust your position or use more props for support. The goal is to feel relaxed and nurtured throughout your practice.
This article was curated from the video Yoga For Women | Yoga With Adriene click the link to visit their channel on YouTube for more.

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