Yoga for Mobility: A Full Body Routine to Enhance Your Flexibility and Strength

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Welcome to your go-to guide for Yoga for Mobility! In this blog, explore a full-body yoga routine designed to improve your mobility by blending strength and flexibility. Perfect for beginners, this routine requires no props, just your mat and a willingness to grow.

Table of Contents

Introduction to Mobility

Check out my curated blog post based on PsycheTruth’s video “How to Build Mobility | Full Body Yoga Mobility for Beginners | 20-Minute Workout” How to Build Mobility, Full Body Yoga Mobility for Beginners, 20 Minute Workout. Their channel is a fantastic resource for improving flexibility, mobility, and overall wellness through yoga. Be sure to bookmark their channel for more expert-guided routines! Mobility is a crucial aspect of our physical well-being. It represents the intersection of strength and flexibility, allowing us to move freely and efficiently. When we talk about mobility, we’re not just considering how far we can stretch or how much weight we can lift. It’s about how well we can control our movements at the end ranges of our flexibility.

Improving mobility can lead to better performance in physical activities and can help prevent injuries. As we navigate through our daily lives, having good mobility means we can bend, twist, and reach with ease. This is why incorporating mobility work into your routine, such as Yoga for Mobility, can be so beneficial.

Getting Started: Child’s Pose

Let’s ease into our routine with Child’s Pose, a restorative position that gently stretches the spine and hips. Begin by sitting back on your heels and extending your arms forward on the mat. Your forehead should rest comfortably on the ground.

Child's Pose demonstration

To make this pose more active, bring your right hand on top of your left shoulder and rest your forehead down on your right forearm. Keep your left hand pressing into the mat. Inhale and open your side body towards the right, then exhale back down. Repeat this motion to warm up your thoracic spine.

Warming Up the T-Spine

Now that we’re in Child’s Pose, let’s focus on warming up the thoracic spine. This area can often become stiff, especially if we spend long hours sitting. Start by inhaling deeply, opening your right side, and exhaling as you lower back down. Switch sides after a few repetitions to ensure both sides are equally warmed up.

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T-Spine warm-up exercise

Cat-Cow in Tabletop

Transition into Tabletop position, ensuring your shoulders are stacked over your wrists and hips over your knees. This is where we’ll engage in the Cat-Cow stretch—a great way to mobilize the spine while also working into the inner thighs.

Inhale as you drop your belly and lift your gaze (Cow), and exhale as you round your spine and tuck your chin (Cat). Repeat this sequence, focusing on your breath and allowing your spine to move fluidly.

Cat-Cow stretch in Tabletop

Exploring Inner Thigh Mobility

From Tabletop, extend your right leg out to the side, toes pointing forward. This position targets the inner thighs. Shift your weight back and forth gently, exploring your range of motion. Don’t rush—listen to your body and find the movements that feel right for you.

As you move, be aware of the strength required to control your hips as you shift your weight. This is an essential aspect of developing mobility.




Yoga Burn Review 2021

I’m a huge fan of Zoe Cotton’s Yoga Burn! I recently added the Trim Core program and the monthly workouts to my routine, and I’m loving them. The workouts really get me sweating, making me feel like I’m making the most of my time while burning plenty of calories.

What makes this program stand out is how each movement builds on the last, constantly adapting and increasing the challenge just as your body starts to get comfortable.

This keeps your body progressing and transforming, helping you achieve a strong, feminine physique that not only looks amazing but also feels fantastic!

Unlike many other fitness programs, Yoga Burn takes a "strategic, progressive approach" that’s designed to deliver real results. Each session is personalized to suit you, ensuring it’s both effective and enjoyable!



Inner thigh mobility exercise

Hip Rotations and Strengthening

Next, we’ll work on hip rotations. Bring your right hand behind your head and inhale, opening to the right. This rotation helps improve mobility in the hip joint while also engaging the core. Exhale as you lower back down, bringing your right elbow to your left wrist. Repeat this on both sides, focusing on controlled movements.

Hip rotation exercise

Stretching the Ankles and Feet

Now let’s shift our focus to the ankles and feet. Tuck your toes under and sit back on your heels. This position stretches the tops of your feet and the ankles. If you want to deepen the stretch, you can lift your knees off the mat slightly. Breathe into this position, feeling the stretch in your shins and ankles.

Ankle and foot stretch

Superman for Upper Body Strength

Transitioning onto your belly, we’ll do the Superman exercise to strengthen the upper body. Extend your arms in front of you and squeeze your glutes. Inhale as you lift your upper body off the ground, keeping your neck aligned. This exercise not only strengthens your back but also engages your core.

As you lift, focus on keeping your shoulders away from your ears. Repeat this a few times, and then hold the position, cactus your arms to engage your upper back further.

Superman exercise for upper body


Remember, mobility is a journey. Each practice brings you one step closer to greater strength and flexibility. Incorporate these exercises into your routine to enhance your overall mobility and physical health.

Lower Body Work: Toes and Pulses

Let’s dive into some lower body work focused on the toes and pulses. Begin on your belly with your legs extended behind you. Squeeze your glutes and lift your toes off the mat, keeping your knees off the ground. This will engage your lower back and glutes while also enhancing your control.

Lower body work: toes and pulses exercise

Inhale as you curl your toes up towards the sky, then exhale as you extend them back down. This movement should be slow and controlled. Focus on the muscles you’re engaging, and remember to keep your knees lifted throughout the exercise. Repeat this for several rounds.

Now, bring your knees out wide and feet together, and pulse for ten counts. Feel the burn! This exercise is excellent for building strength in your hips and lower body.

Pulsing exercise for lower body strength

Ninety-Ninety Position for Hip Mobility

Transition into the ninety-ninety position. Sit with your left foot parallel to the short edge of your mat and your right foot parallel to the long edge. Ensure your knees are aligned with your hips.

Ninety-ninety position for hip mobility

From here, gently swish your hips to face the other direction, maintaining that ninety-ninety position. This movement helps to improve internal and external hip rotation. If you need assistance, feel free to use your hands to guide you.

As you become more comfortable, practice moving without your hands. This exercise builds strength and control in your hips, which is essential for overall mobility.

Switching sides in ninety-ninety position

Side Bends and Backbends

Next, let’s explore some side bends and backbends to enhance your spinal mobility. In the ninety-ninety position, bring your left foot into your right inner thigh. Extend your right arm by your right leg, and as you inhale, reach your left arm up and over towards the right.

Side bend exercise for spinal mobility

Maintain an open chest and avoid collapsing forward. This side bend stretches the left side of your body and promotes lateral flexibility. After a few breaths, switch sides and repeat the same motion on the opposite side.

Now, let’s add a backbend. Plant your left hand behind your left hip and press up onto your left shin. Reach your right arm back for a gentle backbend. This movement opens up the front of your body and strengthens your spine.

Backbend in ninety-ninety position

Controlled Descent to the Mat

It’s time to work on our controlled descent to the mat. Start seated with your feet planted on the ground, knees up towards the ceiling. Engage your core and find a C-curve in your spine.

Controlled descent exercise

Slowly roll down, vertebra by vertebra, ensuring your shoulders remain away from your ears. This controlled movement not only strengthens your core but also improves your overall body awareness.

Once you’re lying flat on your back, hug your knees into your chest and give yourself a gentle squeeze. This position allows you to relax and reset before moving into the next phase of our routine.

Hugging knees into chest

Spinal Twists and Happy Baby

Now let’s incorporate some spinal twists to release any tension in the back. Drop your knees to the right while gazing over your left shoulder. This gentle twist helps to elongate the spine and release tightness.

Spinal twist exercise

After a few breaths, switch to the other side and repeat. Make sure to keep your movements slow and controlled, focusing on deep breaths.

Next, let’s move into the Happy Baby pose. Draw your knees down towards your mat, reaching for your feet or ankles. This pose is great for opening the hips and stretching the lower back.

Happy Baby pose for hip opening

Feel free to rock gently side to side, adding some movement to the pose. This will help to release any residual tension and leave you feeling refreshed.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Incorporating these exercises into your routine can significantly enhance your mobility. Remember, consistency is key. Aim to practice these movements every other day to see improvements.

As you progress, you’ll find that your strength and flexibility will also improve, allowing for greater mobility in your daily activities. Embrace the journey and enjoy the process of discovering your body’s capabilities.

For additional resources, check out our Yoga for Pain guide for techniques to relieve discomfort and enhance mobility.

FAQ about Yoga for Mobility

What is Yoga for Mobility?

Yoga for Mobility focuses on enhancing flexibility and strength through specific poses and movements. It aims to improve your range of motion and control in everyday activities.

How often should I practice Yoga for Mobility?

For best results, practice these mobility exercises every other day. Consistency helps to build strength and flexibility over time.

Can beginners do Yoga for Mobility?

Absolutely! This routine is designed for all levels, including beginners. Listen to your body and modify movements as needed.

What are the benefits of Yoga for Mobility?

  • Improves flexibility and strength
  • Enhances overall mobility
  • Reduces risk of injury
  • Promotes relaxation and stress relief

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Yoga Burn Review 2021

I love Zoe Cotton's Yoga Burn and now I have Trim Core and also the monthlies! I really like that it gets a sweat on and so I feel it's a good use of time and a good way to burn calories.

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Blog Author
Sarah Jayne Archer.
Content Curator/ Blogger /  Fitness Writer

Namaste  This is my main Page for my Yoga and Personal Lifestyle Blog. Here you will find some of my best curated posts from around the web. This blog is dedicated to helping women enjoy happier, healthier lives primarily through the unique yoga-fitness programs that are available for purchase on this website. 

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