All my Family, Friends, and Personal Trainers
were so WRONG about Losing Weight 
So I tried THIS Instead (And boom! it Worked!)

{Transform Your Life With This Simple 6-Question Quiz Below.}

(BEFORE you take the survey, I  RECOMMEND reading the quick, 30 second story below. Read that, then simply scroll back up to take the survey.)

weight loss Metabolism images


For Best Outcome, Be As Honest As Possible With Your Answers

Or if you don't like quizzes…

Learn How This Daily Ritual Can Help 
"Wake Up"
 Your Metabolism

How This Simple Little Quiz Transformed
My Life For The Best Forever?

from the desk of Sarah Jayne Archer..

I need to get something off my chest... Throughout my life, I struggled with my weight...There were many times in my life when I was at breaking point... Losing weight broke my heart... I must have tried TONS of FAD diets, health sakes and workout plans...

There was a point when I felt like giving up... But I had a sinking feeling in the bottom of my stomach that I could be alone forever if I don't change now...

My body wasn't ATTRACTIVE.... and I felt like there wasn't anything I could DO or TRY to change it... 

I would stay up most nights writing in my diary......

I went out my way to not ruin my diary with my tears... I was still looking for inspiration to convince myself that it was still possible to live a normal and happy life...

“There Are Millions Of Women Around The World That Live Alone.,” I tried to justify my lack of effort.... But deep down I knew I needed someone to care for me.... Someone that I could love and be loved by.... 

I had to get real with myself... I didn't have time to find someone who could love me for the way I looked right now... I didn't like the way I looked so it's kind of unfair that I expected someone else to love me... 

Now I’m a woman in my late 40s and for the first time I’ve developed belly fat. Is there any way to target it through diet or exercise? Or is there a better solution I don't know about yet?

If you’re a middle-aged woman and you’re noticing that your midsection is expanding, the first thing to know is that you’re not alone.

“This is a physiological change that, unfortunately, really happens to virtually all women as we age,” said Victoria Vieira-Potter, an associate professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri. “It’s not something you did,” she added, or an indication that you’re letting yourself go, so to speak. 

In the years leading up to menopause, Vieira-Potter said, levels of hormones like estrogen shift. And research suggests that these shifts likely lead to changes in body shape, she said — along with hot flashes, mood changes, irregular periods, trouble sleeping and more.

I need to LOOK and FEEL my best. 

I knew it was time for me to be the most attractive version of myself. If I am honest I didn't just want anyone... I didn't want to settle for the average joe... I wanted someone that I felt an attraction to and someone that felt attracted to me... Yes! I know this might sound hard but ... it's the truth...

At one point things got so bad... I would cringe every time I looked in the mirror... At times when I was out for a meal with friends, I could hear other people whispering mean things if I ordered a PIZZA or Desert.....

Sometimes I would get annoyed when friends would say......
"You'll Find Someone That Will Love You For Who Are". Or "You're Beautiful The Way You Are"...

I understand my friends were good people...And I know I am lucky to have them...

But they were way off the mark... I NEEDED A REAL SOLUTION... My everyday GRIND of feeling low, self-conscience, ugly and DRAINED was getting really mundane and boring... 

That's when this simple little 60's quiz I found online changed my life...... I could finally PINPOINT the cause of my weight problems with this exact quiz.

This time I felt liberated!

Because finally I could enjoy the body of my dreams AND stop blaming myself for being overweight in the past. Let me backup a few steps… I’m in my mid 30s now, and throughout my life I’ve just accepted my place as...well...forgettable.

For the most of it, I thought I was Average Looking. At worst...

The problem wasn't just the way I looked... My core issue was the fact that kept blaming myself...I used to believe that it was my fault and that I just could never shift that horrible weight around my Bum, Tighs and Belly... 

I couldn't blame genetics as my brothers and sisters are older and are naturally slim. Something wasn't right...

How come I got the chubby deck of cards.

The truth was the SHAME was killing me... I had a habit of bullying myself for "Procrastinating" my workout plans or "losing my discipline" when it came to my diet... I could find one Diet or Work Out Plan that worked... Or where I could see a Shred of results...

I have TRIED every Exercise & Diet you can think of.....

Walking, jogging,Boot camps, Keto, HITT,  boxercise, health shakes, at home spin classes, weight loss hearbal teas… 

"FOR MONTHS" I tried all the best tips tricks and hacks where I could even just lose 6 or 7 pounds... Nothing worked... 

And even if I saw a pound or two of a difference it would only take a couple of days to put it all back on again... I was taking one step forward two steps back...

I was going around in circles... I needed to get my life back on track...

And Before you even suggest it.... despite what my slim friends kept telling me… I never got "OBSESSED" with the gym... 99% the opposite happened.....


I listened to that voice deep inside of me that said “It’s not YOU failing -- it’s THEM failing YOU.” Even when I’d come home red in the face and soaked with sweat, only to step on the scale and see a HIGHER NUMBER And even though I tried my best to still be nice and polite to everyone else...

Over time I started to distance myself from friends like that...

The more my friends were happier, fitter and slimmer the less I wanted to be around them... Secretly I was hoping one of them would fail just so I had someone that knew what failure felt like... I even deleted my Instagram account because all of the cookie-cutter and "SUPER CHESSIE" fitness gurus were starting to make me sick...

Still... I knew that anger wasn’t healthy... so as a way to distract myself I’d just hop on Facebook. Which brings me to how this weird quiz transformed my life… I was hanging out with friends when the new girl in town (let’s call her Jane) showed up.

She was like a Victoria's Secret model...

Jane was so HOT she would turn heads all day... BOTH MEN AND WOMEN adored her...

I was so jealous that she got all this attention from everyone...I needed to find some sort of I did the one thing I almost never do.

I clicked the link on Facebook to this weird little quiz. 

This simple quiz led me to the solution I was looking for my whole life...I also taught me about THE REASONS WHY  I struggled with Stubborn Belly Fat and all that EXTRA Weight...

I knew right away that this was where I would finally get the body I have always dreamed of...

This simple solution completely changed my life, my confidence, my mindset and most of my BODY...

I found out that it was never my fault that I was overweight. That there was a lasting solution that would even allow me to lose weight while sleeping!

Did I mention that it takes less than 60 seconds a day to implement...

Real weight loss and weight gain have nothing to do with which diets and workout plans you choose, how hard you train or how many days you train at the gym.

Real weight loss and weight gain have also nothing to do the number of calories you count, the amount of sugar you consume or even your stress levels... it even has nothing to do with age or your genes... 

These are common traits in which one side “health & fitness” companies and “GURUS” WANT you to believe. They make you feel so bad that you end up feeling down about yourself so they can sell you a course or work out a plan to "FIX YOU"... It's the oldest trick in the book... And so many people like us fall for it time and time again...


That’s why taking this little quiz transformed my body and my life Trust me, I’m normally the last person who would take a quiz or questionnaire online, much less take it seriously.

But I’m grateful I did this time, because this was exactly what I needed. 

Yes, it all started with one little quiz. I know, I know. Most of these are a waste of time...but this one is not. It’s designed to take your hand and guide you to the right weight loss solution FOR YOU. 

Now it’s your turn. So if you’re ready to finally have the body you want...I recommend you scroll up now or click below to take this short quiz, so you can find the health, joy, and freedom on the other side of self-blame.

Take This Simple Little Quiz Now and find out what really works...

Fast to Implement

You simply cannot out-work a stalled, “sleeping” metabolism. That’s why it’s important to make sure your metabolism is fully activated before you try any other workouts.

Beginner Friendly

People LOVE this because it works no matter what else is going on with their lives. Your metabolism is fundamental to your health and body shape so when you get this right, everything is easier.

100% Real

This works whether you believe in it or not. That’s the definition of science, and this is 100% based in real, proven science.

Perfect for Any Level

No matter what your fitness background looks like, the metabolism is key. This is the one thing ANYONE can do differently that will have the biggest impact.

Try the Quiz Now And Find All The Answers You Are looking For

Blog Author - Sarah Jayne Archer.  
Content Curator/ Blogger /  Fitness Writer

Namaste  This is my main Page for my Yoga and Personal Lifestyle Blog. Here you will find some of my best curated posts from around the web. This blog is dedicated to helping women enjoy happier, healthier lives primarily through the unique yoga-fitness programs that are available for purchase on this website. 

sarah jayne archer yoga blogger online

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