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Find This Simple Morning Ritual Which Can Help "Kickstart" Your Metabolism
Blog Author
Sarah Jayne Archer.
Content Curator/ Blogger / Fitness Writer
Namaste This is my main Page for my Trendle.net Yoga and Personal Lifestyle Blog. Here you will find some of my best curated posts from around the web. This blog is dedicated to helping women enjoy happier, healthier lives primarily through the unique yoga-fitness programs that are available for purchase on this website.
My weight loss journey started when I got laid off from my job during the economic crisis. My boyfriend at that time also lost his job and we were constantly worried about money...
After 10 years together I never thought I’d be worried about him leaving me. We were struggling for a while... I couldn't cope with not having a job and my weight and bad habits spiralled out of control...
My mother said to me:
“If You Don't Make A Change Now It's Only Going To Get Harder Once You Have Kids”
I had just lost my job, my partner and my whole world... Kids were the last thing on my mind... But I understood that she was trying to scare me into some sort of action...
It started to dawn on me that I might be alone forever if I don't try and fix my weight gain now...
I had to face the truth. I was using everything that was happening as an excuse. This was my excuse for why I struggled to keep the pounds off.
I never pointed the finger of blame at all the white wine I drank, the fizz drinks, the takeaways and all the chocolate I binged on.
Some Days I Said I've Had Enough! It's Time To Change!
I would head to the gym every day... And cut back on what I was eating....
But every time I tried...
- Work Out Plans
- Keto Diet
- Cardio
- Cutting Out TakeAways
- Calorie Count
- Eating Diet Shakes
Every morning I would run to the bathroom to check the weighing scales and it felt like the ARROW NEVER BUDGED....
After a month or two I would get completely discouraged. I would lose my discipline and go back to my old routine of eating poorly.
I Had This Massive Sense Of Dread That I Was Going To Be Overweight Forever!!!
In the winter binge-watching TV shows and going back to work too the mind of my increasing weight gain.
But finding out that my ex-boyfriend had moved on to a young sinny model broke my heart. I knew summer was coming soon and the warm weather gave me more confidence to change.
I went to my local doctor's office for a check-up and I found out that I had Anemia and my Blood Pressure Had Gone Up Drastically...
I was still in my late 30s and I never had any health issues before. Things had gotten out of hand.
But no matter how many people encouraged me to change,{My Mom, My Brother, My Friends, and my Doctor} I just constantly felt down, tired and depressed.
But I Couldn't Spend My Whole Life Alone.
I missed my ex badly. But the reality for me now was that I needed to move on too. He had moved to another city so the chances of us getting back together were slim. <- {Pardon The Pun}
I wanted to find someone new too... Someone that would care about me and someone that I could care for too...
This all changed when I got invited to go on a girl's night out with some friends from work. I hadn't been out as a single woman since I was 21. I had gone for meals and light drinks with friends before. But this was a proper girl's night.
It turned out that one of the girls had recently gotten engaged.
She worked in a different department for the company I worked for. So I didn't know her personally. She was close friends with a colleague I work with on daily basis.
This girl was stunning... She could turn heads everywhere she walked. And to top it all off she was about half my size.
I was super jealous. I couldn't help but resent her for being so HOT!!! This made me super angry and sad. I couldn't help feeling like a FRUMP with all of these pretty slim women...I couldn't even relax around our private party booth at the bar.
The Truth Was...!!
I kept feeling sad and hopeless. My best friend got most of my tears on her shoulder the next day, as I had to confide with someone how I was feeling. Then she told me that she "Discovered This Simple Morning Ritual Can Help "Kickstart" Your Metabolism.
She said she found this simple little quiz online that lead her to this Simple Morning Ritual that only takes 60 seconds every day to undertake.
I stopped crying... She had stopped me in my tracks...
I asked what it was. She said that this daily routine dealt with Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT). Brown Fat for The brown adipose tissue is a shortcut to weight loss. It accelerates your metabolism and helps in the conversion of fat into energy and heat.
It didn't really matter.. I was so tired of failing.
I needed to change and I know right then and there I wanted to try it.
This Simple Solution Could Fix
- All My Weight Problems
- Give Me My Confidence Back
- Help Me Find A Partner
- Give Me A Energy Boost
- Help Me Keep The Weight Off For Good
- Help Fit Into My Favourite Clothes
Finding this simple solution made me happy and sad at the same time. I was happy that I could now finally lose that belly fat, my thunder tighs and overgrown bum...
But I Knew That I Had Wasted Some Much Time On The Wrong Things.
Losing weight has not to do with things like...
- Endless Hours At The Gym
- Over Working Yourself On The Treadmill
- Fasting {I Hated Not Eating After Six}
- Silly Fad Diets
- Health Sakes
My best friend also told me that Health Consultants & Fitness Guru exaggerate these things because they want you to feel helpless and that it's all your own fault. This way they can FIX YOU by selling you a monthly fitness course.
Today is a different day.
I can finally say it's not the only way.
This Simple 60 Second Morning Ritual Has
Changed Everything For Me!
- Over time I Never Felt Hunger As Much As I Did Before.
- My Sleep Drastically Improved.
- I Started To Fit Into My Favourite Skinny Jeans
- I Didn't Feel Guilty If I Had Some Naughty Food {Or Some Wine}
- My Horrible Belly Fat Slowly Started To Disappear
- And When I Went Out With The Girls I Felt SEXY!
- Guy's Would Start Asking Me Out One Dates Again.
You have to start somewhere. And what better time than now to improve your health.
Secret Formula
Helps reduce hunger without changing your routine.
Boost Metabolism
This metabolism ritual contains ingredients that trigger weight loss without making you feel jittery or anxious.
Releasing Untapped Energy
Discover principles that you can change to suit your individual needs
It can be hard to find the time or energy to work out and eat healthy. We all know that it's important to stay fit and eat healthy, but it's hard to do when we're always busy.
1.->->-> Please don't waste days and weeks worrying about workout plans, fitness routines and when to eat and when not to eat...
2.->->-> Try This Simple 60 Second Morning Ritual
I am sharing this story because I want to help other women like me that just feel stuck.
Being in my late 30’s I’m now feeling younger than ever!
This is different. This solution will just help quickly and easily, and help you keep the weight off for good.
This unique formula helps you burn fat faster than ever before, without all the fuss and bother of traditional diets and fitness programs.This simple daily ritual helps you lose weight without changing your routine. The secret solution will help trigger your bodies own natural metabolism without making you feel jittery or anxious.
Now I no longer mope around the house binge eating or feeling sorry for myself. I haven't found mister right yet, but I am very confident now. I like dating and feeling free and single.
And I can honestly say that This Simple 60 Second Morning Ritual Has Changed My Life For The Better!!
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