Practice Yoga Live with Me (for free, monthly) ➡️ Welcome to the mat, welcome to your practice. Come join me for a strong & soulful practice that leads to virabhadrasana (warrior) III. By the end, you'll have cared for your body, stabilized your energy, calmed your thoughts & feelings, and as a result, you'll have access to a sweet sattvic state (even if it's temporary). In yoga terminology, balance is called sattva. It's a satisfying state we naturally seek, and it's what keeps us coming back to the mat no matter how long it's been or how far we've strayed. So whether it's been one day or one year, please unroll your mat. I'll meet ya there, Allie, xx If you feel called to travel further, below are opportunities to work together more intimately. HOW TO WORK WITH ME: ✨ Online Yoga Studio –
✨ Virtual 200-HR Yoga Teacher Training –
✨ Free Monthly Live Yoga Practices –
✨ Weekly Newsletter –
✨ Instagram –
✨ Website – Welcome to the mat, welcome to your practice! If you’re new here, I’m Allie Van Fossen – a yoga student (just like you), decade-long teacher, founder of the Body Mind Soul Studio & the Body Mind Soul 200-HR Virtual Yoga Teacher Training, a retreat leader, wife to my 15 year one-night-stand husband, mamma to our two daughters, and a forever self-growth seeker. Like you, I adore the yoga practice, but early on I knew it had to be more than poses, quick fix challenges or surface-level promises. This awareness led me down a windy, fruitful path of study and self-discovery, and fourteen years later, I’m just as curious about how yoga can guide and awaken my on & off the mat journey. If you’re curious about yoga’s deeper potential like me, then get comfortable because you may have found your next teacher and community. On this channel, you’ll find a plethora of yoga practices ranging in styles, teachings and techniques. These practices document my maturation as a yoga student & teacher, which means “younger Allie” doesn’t teach the same way as present day me. I encourage you to explore all types of practices here (the familiar & unfamiliar), and if you feel called to travel further, below are opportunities to work with me more intimately. Thank you for being here, now please unroll your mat so we can practice together. Allie, xx DISCLAIMER: All content on our channel is subject to copyright or other intellectual property ownership by Journey Junkie, LLC. The ideas, exercises, programs, meal plans and other opinions expressed here and on our blog reflect our opinions and personal experiences, and are not intended to be or replace medical advice. We are not dietitians, nutritionists, exercise specialists, or medical professionals. By participating in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to forever hold harmless, release and discharge the Journey Junkie from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of your use of these materials. Source
50 Min Yoga Practice for Strength, Steadiness & Serenity

January 27, 2025
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